
Bequests to the RFSA can make a lasting impression on members of the NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS).  These generous donations help fund a variety of RFSA giving programs that directly benefit members.

We thank you for considering a gift in your Will to the RFSA.


What is a bequest?

Bequests are gifts that are made as part of a Will or Trust. A charitable bequest is a donation to a charity, non-profit organisation, trust or foundation explicitly stated in a Will or Trust.


How do I make a bequest?

It’s important to have an up to date Will, and it can be beneficial to discuss your plans with a solicitor.  Before making a bequest to the RFSA, please discuss your decision with loved ones and make sure they are provided for.

There are a number of options when leaving a gift in your will:

  1. Whole or part of your estate – a set percentage.
  2. A specific amount from your estate.
  3. A specific gift – such as shares or real estate.

Suggested wording to include in your will: I, [insert your name], bequeath to NSW Rural Fire Service Association Incorporated ABN 65 291 969 153 for its general purposes [select from the appropriate statement below]

  • The whole of my estate OR
  • [insert XX] percentage of my estate OR
  • The amount of $ [insert XX] OR
  • My [insert details of particular asset]
How will a bequest help the RFSA support rural fire service volunteers?

Bequests to the RFSA can make a real difference to rural fire service volunteers.  It can help support volunteers and their families who have suffered loss or injury in the line of duty.  It can fund education and training to support their work protecting the community.  It can provide grants to improve volunteer welfare and it can provide opportunities to say ‘thank you’ to volunteers for putting their lives on the line.


Bequest contact

If you would like to discuss making a bequest to the RFSA please contact the RFSA’s Chief Executive Officer via email or call 02 4723 3400.

Recent Bequests

The RFSA is grateful to the late Gary Barton for a generous bequest to establish a new youth scholarship.

Each year, a young RFSA member will be sponsored for a trip on the STS Young Endeavour, a modern sailing ship. This 11-day journey will teach the recipient not only how to sail a square-rigged tall ship, but values of leadership, supporting others and working as a team.